Religious Education
The mission of St. Gabriel the Archangel's Parish Religious Education Program is to provide an educational program in which the students come together to deepen their relationship with God, begin their mission as disciples of Jesus Christ and become open to the influence of the Holy Spirit in their daily lives. It is through our Catholic traditions, family prayer, Christian example, and regular attendance at Mass that the foundation is laid for each child to live a life in the spiritual awareness of their membership in the broad universe of God's creation.
Offered to families who are formally registered in the parish, the program is a classroom model in which we meet weekly and in general agreement with the local vacation schedules of the parish towns. Classes for grades 1-5 are held in the Parish Center on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 3:30 to 4:45 pm. Classes for Grades 6-8 are held on Tuesday evenings in the Parish Center from either 5:45 to 7:15pm or 7:30 to 9:00pm. The schedule for classes varies according to the number of students enrolled for the different grades and the availability of teachers. Adults are encouraged and welcomed to join the teaching staff. As Christians we are called to evangelization. You will find teaching to be both a remarkable gift offered and a rewarding experience received.
Direct Link to the Religious Education Program Family Registration Form.Empowering God's Children Lesson Plans
To help us comply with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, we ask that you please use the links below to make your selections:
ACKNOWLEDGE completion of the lessons You also have the ability to “opt-out” of the Empowering God’s Children program for this year. To do so, please click the link below to confirm this choice.
OPT-OUT of Empowering God’s Children
For further information, we invite you to visit the Empowering God’s Children section of the archdiocesan website HERE.
If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact me via email at to
▶ Parent-Lesson 6.3.5
▶ Parent-Lesson 6.k.2
▶ Parent-Lesson 5.6.8
▶ Parent-Lesson 5.3.5
▶ Parent-Lesson 5.k.2
▶ Teaching-Boundries and Saftey-Guide-English